Sunday, February 19, 2012

What game should i get? Fable 2/ Fallout 3/ or Dragon Age: Orgins (Xbox 360)?

I am new to RPG games and i am having trouble finding out what game to get. My uncle is a huge MMORPG player but is for PC and he said fable was a great game (the first one) but has no clue about the others. so i just need feedback on all these games and what would be the best and most fun. i know they are "all different and its like comparing apples to potatoes" but i just need feedback on them. RIGHT NOW I AM LEANING TOWARDS FABLE 2What game should i get? Fable 2/ Fallout 3/ or Dragon Age: Orgins (Xbox 360)?
I'm personally a fan of Fallout 3, but if you're new to RPG's, Fable 2 is safe bet.鈥?/a>What game should i get? Fable 2/ Fallout 3/ or Dragon Age: Orgins (Xbox 360)?
well i havent played fable 2 or dragon age but fallout 3 is such a good game. Fallout 3 was my first RPG game i actually enjoyed. The graphics are not the best but the story line is unbelieveable. Also the guns are extremely fun to use and the enemies are cool. In my opinion go with Fallout 3
i would go with fable 2. i had so much fun playing it! dragon age has too much talking in it and fallout 3 wasn't really my style. plus, fable 2 is the cheapest : )What game should i get? Fable 2/ Fallout 3/ or Dragon Age: Orgins (Xbox 360)?
well i see you want an rpg. dont get fable 2. trust me you will regret it. fallout 3 is a fun game, and it has a lot of quests, it is also a first person shooter. dragon age is awesome too. but the only thing i dont like is the combat system, press one button and it fights for you... if i were you i would get elder scrolls oblivion... if you dont have it yet! :D
Dragon Age: Origins is the best game I've played so far
I have both fable 2 and fallout 3 and i liked both of them but fallout 3 is the game that you should get. You definatly get your moneys worth with fallout 3.

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