Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dragon age 2 xbox or pc?

which one should i buy it for?

i know they're available for both but i don't know which is better.

They are going in a new direction with the combat and i wonder if the pc would still be the best choiceDragon age 2 xbox or pc?

The new direction in combat gameplay is optional. You can choose how to play the game: either as a hack %26amp; slash action RPG, or a combat system that is very similar to the one used in Origins.

This is the same engine as Origins and while they made some improvements for consoles, this is still a PC engine and the game will look and play better on a PC.Dragon age 2 xbox or pc?
Yeah I was wondering the same. The first game seemed a lot better on PC because you could control the camera a little better.Dragon age 2 xbox or pc?
360 or PS3...if PS3 gets it. I have 1 on PC and had it on PS3 and the mouse controls are kinda bad (double click feature only) get a controller version....unless PC supports PC controllers.
  • xbox 360
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