Sunday, February 19, 2012

Xbox 360 Dragon Age 2 help, please?

I'm stuck. I don't have any more quests to do.. and I know it's not completed. What do I do?Xbox 360 Dragon Age 2 help, please?
Reload your game, check your quest log, and check for markers above locations on the map(area where you choose to change locations)Xbox 360 Dragon Age 2 help, please?
Go to your house and see if you have any letters. Some quests are triggered that way. Otherwise it might be time to start the next act. Look in your journal under "main quests" and do what it says.

If your journal really is completely empty then you must have a bug. Either that or you reached the end of act three and have finished the game. You can't free roam in DA2 and finish things up later once the game is over.

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