Sunday, February 19, 2012

Is Dragon Age Origins for the Xbox 360 worth it?

I have money for 2 games and Bioshock 2 is deff one of them. My friend told me that dragon age was good bcuz I loved oblivion and fallout 3. I love rpgs. Do you think this game is worth the money?Is Dragon Age Origins for the Xbox 360 worth it?
You will ABSOLUTELY FALL IN LOVE WITH DRAGON AGE ORIGINS!!! Obviously im biased, do what you want, but DA will have you hooked and the story is like you are watching an amazing movie but yet you control the decisions which of course, have consequences.

The game will leave you wanting more and more which is why they are continueing to add DLC and eventually a sequel. By the way, my favorite game of all time before this was Oblivion, just get it man,Is Dragon Age Origins for the Xbox 360 worth it?
Dude do yourself the favor of getting this game, it is the best RPG I have played in like forever. It's depth and scope is amazing and you can play it through like six times and not have the same story. DO IT!

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