Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dragon Age II Do i need to complete Dragon Age: Origins first?

Hey i gota small question about dragon age two for xbox....i have pre-ordered the game and just brought dragon age origins do i need to complete dragon age origins to understand and appriciate dragon age 2 alot more or does it not matter..:D thanks.Dragon Age II Do i need to complete Dragon Age: Origins first?
Is it critical? No. If you do not play Dragon Age: Origins or Awakening, you will miss out on the back story about the last Blight, Grey Wardens, Ferelden and Orlais. You will miss the opportunity to determine certain facts about the history in DAO, but if you don't ,DA2 will make some default choices for you, the way Awakenings did if you didn't start with Origins.

Is it a great game you should play anyway? Yes - you can pick up the ultimate edition of DAO

I went so far as to read the two books as well, so I know a bit more than is in the game, but it's an interesting history they invented for the world, so I enjoy it.Dragon Age II Do i need to complete Dragon Age: Origins first?
it would be a good idea just becuase the dao2 story line does happen during the blight just in another area plus from what i understand few things that happens in dao will happen in dao2 as well
and importing games from dao 1 to dao2 will carry your choices over

but if you dont want to play it then just watch the walkthrough videos on youtube and you can see the story line for yourselfDragon Age II Do i need to complete Dragon Age: Origins first?
Of course, especially since the Dragon Age games are long rpgs. DA:O introduces you into the world and its setting and history. The game itself is also a background for DA2.

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