Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dragon Age 2 "Wayward Son" Glitch? (XBOX 360)?

While on this quest, i battled some thugs in Darktown and killed them. The quest then says to search their bodies in hopes to find the missing kid. However, the bodies disappeared on me. Now i cannot continue the game and go on the Deep Roads Expedition. I know this is a common bug for many people. I just want to know if anyone fixed this problem themselves and didn't start a new game or reload their progress. And they did it on the xbox 360.Dragon Age 2 "Wayward Son" Glitch? (XBOX 360)?
Am I perhaps not remembering this quest right?

You get the quest and talk to the boy's father, get a lead on Samson, an ex-Templar near the Docks, he sends you to fight the thugs and get a list of things being smuggled out (is that the list you are missing?). I think you can also talk to the Templar Ser Thrask at the Gallows to get a lead.

The list leads you to a smuggler's cave which I think is beneath darktown and you run into the smugglers holding the boy at knifepoint. Resolve that issue, rescue the kid.

If you can't trigger any of these encounters on your own, you'll have to re-load your game and try again.

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