Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dragon age 2 glitches for xbox 360?

I beat meredith, game over. Im now in my estate and a previous dialogue begins b/w meridith and hawke but i cant see the other 2 ppl who are talking. After that is over my character just stands there and none of the controls work. Also at the very end when i was killing the first enchanter and meridith, all the templars were just heads and sheilds, no bodies. And those who had bodies they were solid white. Anyway to fix this?Dragon age 2 glitches for xbox 360?
try clearing the cache and re downloading the updates

my xbox%26gt;system settings%26gt;memory%26gt;select hard drive %26amp; press Y for device options%26gt; clear system cache


Once you clear the cache you'll be asked to download the update for the game when you start it

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